Designing a Mobile Game That Develops Emotional Resiliency in Indian Country

Published by Morgan Vigil-Hayes on

Communities in Indian Country experience severe behavioral health inequities. Based on recent research investigating scalable behavioral health interventions and therapeutic best practices for Native American (NA) communities, we propose ARORA, a social and emotional learning intervention delivered over a networked mobile game that uses geosocial gaming mechanisms enhanced with augmented reality technology. Focusing on the Navajo community, we take a community-based
participatory research approach to include NA psychologists, community health workers, and educators as co-designers of the intervention activities and gaming mechanisms. Critical questions involve operation of the application across low-infrastructure landscapes as well scalability of design practices to be inclusive of the many diverse NA cultural communities in Indian Country.

Read the Full Work:

Morgan Vigil-Hayes, Ann Futterman Collier, Giovanni Castillo, Davona Blackhorse, Nikole Awbery, and John-Paul Abrahim. “Designing a Mobile Game That Develops Emotional Resiliency in Indian Country.” ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Extended Abstracts, May 2019, Glasgow, Scotland, UK.

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